Hello all, Sergio here, I just got home from watching the FREITAS V. RAHEEM fight on HBO, and although I'm not sure what percentage of blog fans are also boxing fans I thought I'd write up a little post with some of my opinions. First this was an ugly fight, no wonder nobody wants to fight Zahir Raheem, he's a south paw with an unothodox style and he's largely unimpressive. Secondly Acelino Freitas (Popo) got lucky, in that way that more marketable boxers do, he was aggresive but sometimes out of control and just didn't win enough late rounds. Finally Max Kellerman, HBO colorman, can't call a round to save his life, it's like he makes sure to disagree with me at every turn. So as you can probably tell Freitas won the fight and in such a close match either man could have, but it was the 116-112 decision making score that made me angry with boxing yet again. Two judges have it 115-113 for different fighters and the other scores it a secure win for Freitas, I'm afraid boxing will never gain real prominence again. Highlights included Raheems ridiculous fur gown and crown and of course Freitas' movie star jaw line.