Some other blog I read, I can't remember which right now, listed 100 things she wants to do before she goes. Or rather, what would you be surprised that you had not done if you died at a nice old age. She seemed to think it was worthwhile to do, and so do I. We only did fifty today in no particular order.
25 of Mine:
1. Adopt old dogs and let them run around on my farm
2. Have a farm
3. Travel to Europe with Sergio
4. Visit every continent
5. Have a kid or two
6. Knit something wearable
7. Snowboard
8. Run a marathon
9. Keep my house clean two weeks in a row
10. Own a home
11. Live in a place for more than a year with Sergio
12. Have a job for more than a year
13. Have a fulfilling job
14. Sleep in a Yurt
15. Visit every state
16. Have financial stability
17. Eat a bug (knowingly)
18. Learn how to play chess
19. Finish a New York Times crossword puzzle
20. Donate money to my local NPR affiliate instead of change the station during money drive time
21. Learn how to design a website
22. Design a website
23. Read Moby Dick...I guess
24. Ride an air boat in the swamp
25. Attend a Renaissance festival
Now 25 of Sergio's:
1. Get a real job
2. Own a home
3. Run for political office
4. Win a race for political office
5. Run an adventure race
6. Go backpacking for a week or more
7. Really learn Spanish
8. Grow a huge beard
9. Visit Europe with Dawn
10. Have a farm
11. Fulfill my evolutionary obligation
12. Go to la tomatina
13. Learn to spell
14. Go to an Oktoberfest in a small village in Germany
15. Learn to cook well
16. Become a wood wright
17. See the end of reality tv
18. See the return of Futurama
19. Live abroad for at least a year
20. Eat a thousand year old egg
21. Have a beer in a Belgian monastery
22. Have dinner at the White House
23. Learn to play golf
24. Help my parents and in-laws retire
25. Jumanji
Anybody want to share some of theirs?