So I woke up at 4:45 this morning. This Saturday morning. When all other people are reveling in the sleeping lateness of Saturday mornings. I'm not really complaining though, since I slept 23 minutes longer this morning than yesterday morning. Yesterday, when my daughter was at her grandparents and I didn't have to be at work until 8. I am complaining about that one.
So this morning while Rolo and Sergio were both still a snooze, I checked Facebook. I saw that two of my former students had mentioned a website and that they loved it. But let's face it, they are 18 years old and who knows where that might have led. Then I went to a blog I have read for many years now and she had the SAME website mentioned. And she had read it for many years as well. Three mentions in five minutes of surfing is too much coincidence. So I clicked through.
If you would like to read something way funnier than me for awhile (since I hardly post anyway) then you should go
Disclaimer: Me being tired is much like me being drunk or emotionally unstable in some way, so if you don't find this as funny as me I would understand. But it is funny, so there.