are the marionberries that start growing in August. We noticed this last year when we moved here, but other than popping a few in our mouths on walks we never really took advantage of them. Marionberries are like giant blackberries and if you come here around this time of year you will find people picking them along the roads at every turn. They grow like weeds as far as we can tell. I think it is one of the main reasons the homeless population seems to double around Portland for these couple of months. We picked a big bunch along the road the other day and having nowhere to put them we used Sergio's windbreaker to get them home. By the time we got back to the house he had a lovely bright purple stain through the jacket, his shorts, his boxers, and a stain on his leg that didn't wash off for awhile. Yesterday we took a mason jar. In four days we have made this marionberry crumble twice. I love free dessert!
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