We spent the weekend in St. Louis to celebrate our friends marriage. We took 103 pictures. I managed to narrow that number down some, but if you want to look at about 65 pictures, then please click on the flickr box to the right and go to the Friends box. There you will see lots of good pictures, a few bad pictures, and many pictures with me gripping various glasses of wine as though they are the last source of sustenance on earth. Thankfully, Sergio never managed to get any pictures of me devouring the cupcakes that made up the wedding cake. All four and half of them. Let's just say my time with the cupcakes was decidedly un-ladylike.
My luggage didn't quite make the flight to St. Louis with me, so the first couple of days required a lot of borrowing and creative shopping at Target. Sergio and I played a pretty terrible game of golf on Friday and got sunburned just in time for the wedding festivities to begin. Our friend Helen managed to rip her toenail off (shudder) while hanging out at the hotel. Despite these things it was still a really great weekend. That's a sign of a good party.
Congratulations Jared and Sarah!

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