Sergio turns 26 today. I have always thought it was funny that the first day of fall usually (or is it always?) happens on his birthday. Even fetus Sergio knew that he wanted no part of summer and waited around until fall officially began. And nothing has changed on that front.
We had to get creative this year when it came to celebrating since unpaid externs and unemployed teachers don't make good money. Or any, rather. So on Friday we went to a high school football game. In Texas! Between ranked teams! That is like the ultimate in high school football, in case you weren't aware. By the time we found our way to Allen, TX they had already had kickoff and we learned that it was standing room only. And so we stood between stands near the endzones at a gate...the whole time. We could only see half of the game at this vantage point, but it was pretty exciting either way. True to my young self, when I couldn't see the game or just didn't care, I resorted to watching the people. The band, the cheerleaders, the drill team, fans. I even watched a young girl in front of me try to hole up near a gate and read a book. Kindred spirit.
If you are looking for something to do on a friday night, you might just go to a local game. I think we might start making a habit of it. But only at games that have seats available. Happy birthday, Sergio!
Happy Birthday son.
We love You
mom and dad
Ah yes...high school football in the south. We drove by a pee-wee game this afternoon and you wouldn't believe the crowds! It looked like a freakn rock concert. Except with mini vans and tahoes lined up for miles.
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