
Ms. Rosalind Cate!

Second pic: Sort of from above. The head is in the right of the screen and the arm is draped across.
Third: That is the foot. It took a moment to get because SHE was a kickin' fool. I realize the scan is upside down.
Fourth: The most invasive picture we will ever post of our daughter. It is like she is sitting on the camera. The four lines are the girly proof. To the right of the screen you can see the end of her femur bones.
(click on photos for larger view)
Highlights: SHE seems to have all of her bits and pieces where they need to go. Heartrate was 144 today, kidneys, brain, spine, and other measurements all looked good. As I mentioned, she was kicking and punching with fervor. She was also opening and closing her mouth so that it looked like she was talking to us. When she shook her fist and open and closed her mouth it seemed like she was ticked we were invading her privacy. We are ridiculously thrilled.
I am eighteen weeks today. She measured to the day and is 7 oz. Perhaps some belly pics tomorrow.
ROSALIND! Wow! That is unbelievable. Lots of little girls running around in your family.
I see a little pink mountain bike and backpack in her future. Going to have to keep up with Dad.
Congratulations!! I'm so excited for you guys. And I can't wait to see cute little Dawn pregnant. I hope everything else is going well for you guys. Give Ashely and me a call next time your in central AR. We'd love to see you.
Congrats on the baby girl....I love the name you picked out. It's beautiful. I love your blog and how you've documented everything. I know it's not funny but your puking stories have left me quite entertained! I'm sure I will pay for it someday when I decide to have a child. You are hardly showing but they are cute pictures, you can tell you've come along but you've got a while to go. I'm so excited for you!!!
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