Other things of note -
We have started a very lax potty training regime in which you are rewarded with Reese's Pieces. We have had more success than I expected so far, but it is hard to tell if you like the candy or the flushing the toilet reward better. What you have not figured out is why that candy cannot be had at all times for any reason. It is hard to make you understand when daddy keeps eating it in front of you and he didn't go potty.
You can say the words momma, daddy (emphasis on the eeee part), Mamie, Pa, Coal, Eliot, cheese, shoes, juice, bite, mine, NO, go, away, duck, mean, bean, dog, moo, and please with regularity. You often repeat new words but then don't use them, such as pepper, boom, and purple. Today you said "bite, please" every time you wanted a noodle. I was impressed. It sounded like "buy peas" but I'll take it. You also sign "more","play", and "all done" as well. Communication is developing at a quick rate, but not fast enough I guess because you are starting to get easily frustrated when we don't understand.
Speaking of communication, you now come take my hand while pointing to the kitchen. If I follow you will point out exactly what you want. Usually it is for me to open the fridge and then you get your own cheese. We went through a package of cheese at lightning speed this week.
Otherwise your favorite foods are eggs, yogurt, and cantaloupe. I only wish these foods satisfied me the same way. I would never have to work out again.
P.S. I just had to delay posting this to go hunt you down. I found you in the bathroom transferring the water from the toilet to...everywhere else in the bathroom. And when you heard me say your name you totally startled and fell in the puddle you had made. There's one for the embarrassing stories to tell when you are sixteen! Now to give you a much needed bath.
1 comment:
She's an extra special child.
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