Saturday, November 13, 2010

Poodle Point of View: Snippet

I have a secret place that Blondie and The Bearded One can't find. It is glorious! I don't know exactly what happened in this spot but it smells DIVINE! I just go there and roll, roll, roll in it. I dive and wiggle until I get it juuuust right. In fact, I am in my spot right now! I just know that I am going to pick up all the ladies smelling so good with my fur spiked so nice. Oh man, I can't wait to get home and rub this all in the carpet so the whole house can be a chick magnet!

I'm at the door.

They're letting me in.

I'm flopping on the carpet!

Wait...why is Blondie yelling with the mean face?

Why am I in the bathroom? Maybe if I yowl really loud they'll let me out....nope.

I'll try again. Hey! They came to get me!

Wait...what is that? No...don't turn the knob on that water, no water, no water, don't pick me up. Put me down. No, not in the wat...damn.

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