I made something for the house, which is sort of a sad statement when you consider how many things Sergio has made for this house. Nonetheless, I made something for the house. After talking to some very crafty coworkers and perusing some house blogs, I decided that even I could probably make curtains using the newfangled technologies of Stitch Witchery and clip-on curtain rod...thingies. And behold...the simplest curtains ever that I probably shouldn't be so proud of but am anyway. Those of you that can sew and feel super bad for me should just avert your eyes.

Ignore for a moment that I got totally swept up in this fabric and didn't realize until too late that it clashes with Rosalind's paint color. We might be moving these into the living room in the future. For now, they are much better than blankets nailed into the wall.

These are the clip on curtains things, so simpletons like me don't have to learn how to make loops or holes.

My crafty coworkers suggested that I make separate curtains out of the liner material rather than stress the hemming tape and then this would also allow the liners to be reused with future curtains.

So I did just that. It worked quite well.

They are meant to be opened or swept back to one side, but they conveniently cover the fact that we haven't trimmed out the windows while they are closed.
I think they are adorable Dawn, you did a great job.
I think they look great in Rosalind's room!
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