It is perfect.
They also came bearing other gifts. They gave us all of our diapers, another hand crocheted blanket and hangers. They brought some gifts from his Aunt, and two large boxes of wipes from his Grandmother. The staff where I work threw me a surprise baby shower on Friday where I received a Target gift card. This allowed us to go and buy a few other things we probably need before the baby shows socks. But where to put all of this stuff? My closet was full. After striking out at Target and Ikea we hit Craigslist and found something that almost perfectly met our needs for a much better price. Sergio and his father just had to drive out to the burbs and find a little country store before six. But look at how cute everything looks in there.
These are all of our diapers...
The crib is AMAZING! So much better than store bought.
Do you have a nursery? I love the paint colors on the wall but didn't know where you had put everything.
That's an awesome looking crib. I'm glad you took a picture of the closet, I doubt it will ever be that organized again (babies have a way of causing disorganization)!
Sara and I can't wait till will has another playmate!
i lOVE your bedding. it makes me more happy just looking at it! excellent work on the crib. did you get your bedding at target?
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