Saturday, May 24, 2008

Wild Dogs. Burned Out Pre-teens. Same Difference.

To choose to become a teacher is to choose to count down to summer for the rest of your life. I have realized over the last couple of weeks that even if you know you aren't going to be having a kid-like summer vacation, you will still look forward to that last day of school like a giddy ten year old. And if you wonder why, let me have you imagine what it is like to try to harness 28 to 33 raging hyenas on a daily basis and make them learn about medieval Europe. Not possible and a bit dangerous.

Just over two and a half weeks to go...
unless you go by just school days because then it is 13 and half days...
but I have to miss two days for a wedding in Georgia so...11 1/2...
and I forgot about memorial day so now we are down to 10 1/2...
which means just 84 hours.

and I think I can deal with that.

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