Monday, November 15, 2010

Stuff To Do Here.

Yesterday Sergio convinced me to accompany he and Rolo on a bike ride. I went, grudgingly. We biked over to the newish bike trail that can take you all the way from Fayetteville to nearly Rogers (so far). We did not bike any further than Target. We also stopped along the way and let Rosalind play at one of the playgrounds. Not too far into the trip I went from grumpy about biking (pretty much my default biking mood) to enjoying it. Then on the way back I actually had to work a little, but it was still fun. You should try it if you come up here. It's not at all hard and you can go all over this area. You ride along Skull Creek and only deal with cars at clearly marked crosswalks. It is biking made just for me.

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